Have you been searching for sound insulation testing in East London? By using the professionals at Site Sound you can be confident in the work that they do. The sound insulation testing engineers at Site Sound are fully trained and UKAS accredited.
The entire Site Sound team know that passing the sound insulation test is very important to you. That's why we always pull out all the stops to make sure you get your certificate quickly and cost-effectively. We know how frustrating it can be to wait for the results, some companies make you wait longer than a day to know, but we aim to achieve the regulation requirements first time and in one visit wherever possible.
Your Site Sound engineer will give you immediate verbal results from the sound test, and you’ll have a written report the following working day. With the verbal feedback you then know what to expect and you can prepare if more work is needed. When we test we are always open to advising each customer to achieve better results, so if you have any questions then do not hesitate to ask the Site Sound Engineer.
For competitive prices, quick and efficient service and immediate on-site results, continue to the Site Sound website now.